Tips for a Healthy & Happy Halloween!
As Halloween draws near pop up costume stores make their appearance, the decorations come out and carved pumpkins slowly take their seats on doorsteps.
The beginning of October also means store shelves start getting stacked with fun sized candy. Jumbo bags lying in wait at the entrance of the grocery or drug store may haunt you more than the actual holiday.
But there’s a way to still enjoy the candy and the party treats while meeting your health goals and not feeling guilty. Here are some tips to have a healthy and happy Halloween:
Lose the guilt. Forget about the black and white thinking that candy is bad for you so you need to avoid it. When you put food on a pedestal in that way it makes it easier for you to binge and makes it harder to not feel shame and guilt afterwards. The most important thing to remember is that candy and party treats are part of a balanced diet and keep food fun! They’re especially part of the Halloween experience. The key is to focus on enjoying the holiday more than fixating on the food. Prioritize the experience while mindfully enjoying your favorite treats—focus on spending time with your kids picking out a costume, carving pumpkins, and share their joy while trick or treating, and focus on conversations with friends at parties. Pick out a piece of candy or two and walk away—enjoy it, savor it, and get back to being present in the moment with your loved ones.
Be mindful. This tip goes hand in hand with the previous tip. Avoid eating candy straight from the bag or bowl—grab one and move away. When you eat your treats, focus on savoring the taste and reflect on how that candy makes you feel. Are you craving the candy because you genuinely want something sweet? Are you craving it just because it’s there? Will the treats satisfy you, or will you get more satisfaction out of some light movement or a nourishing snack?
Remember that you can have candy any time you want. You don’t need to avoid candy all year round just to have it only on Halloween. The candy and treats aren’t going anywhere—you can have them any time! Keeping this in mind will help you consume your treats more mindfully instead of overeating and feeling unhappy afterwards.
Nourish your body before. Before trick or treating and before your Halloween parties, eat a well rounded meal or snack full of fiber, protein, and healthy fat. When you’re full of healthy foods that nourish you and make you feel good, you’re more equipped to make healthy decisions about food.
Nourish your body after. Even if you feel uncomfortable in your body after eating candy and treats, you still deserve to eat the next day. Your body needs nourishment every day, so get right back on track the next morning by preparing a balanced meal full of whole foods. Remember that one instance of overeating will not derail your progress. Move on from the moment and know that your commitment means more than one night of overeating.
Engage in some movement. Moving your body will help you destress, feel energized, and get your blood flowing. Reset and recharge with a walk, a run, barre, yoga, or whatever feels good to you.
Stay hydrated. Water does wonders. Make sure you’re consistently hydrating throughout the day and you’re drinking water with your alcohol. Your body will thank you!
Halloween doesn’t have to be daunting. When you learn to manage holidays in a balanced way you set yourself up for success in having a healthy relationship with your body and with food!
What are some ways you like to stay healthy around the holidays?
By Jessica Kaplan